Summary Outline for PacNOG I Network Training Workshop
Nadi, Fiji
June 20-26, 2005 (Monday through Saturday)



PacNOG I Workshop Outline
Location: Tanoa Hotel in Nadi, Fiji,
Organizers: Pacific Network Operators Group (PACNOG), The
Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC), and Cisco Systems
Primary Instructors:   Hervey Allen, NSRC
                       Joel Jaeggli, NSRC/Univ. of Oregon
                       Philip Smith, Cisco Systems
Assisted By:           Save Vocea, APNIC
                       Amante Alvaran, APNIC

Daily Time Schedule

* Welcome to workshop (HA/JJ/PS)
* FreeBSD Materials
* Why we are using FreeBSD (HA)
    - Note some differences from Linux
    - FreeBSD Command Reference:
* Install FreeBSD (HA)
* Post-Install Exercises
   - Include install of Gnome/KDE
   - Additional exercises for those who want practice
* Cryptography overview (HA)
    - [OpenOffice | pdf 1-up | pdf 4-up | ps.gz 1-up | ps.gz 4-up]
    - symmetric ciphers, public/private keys,
          hashing, integrity checks, key lengths,
          digital signatures,
* Install/configure Apache with SSL (JJ)
    - [html | Postscript]
* Configure local ssl certificate (JJ)
    - Connect to web server using https
    - Possible php example to force secure page (HA)
* Mail Materials
* Introduction to Exim (MTA) (HA)
    - Overview of internet mail
    - Overview of how Exim works
* Install Exim (HA)
    - Verify that mail send/receive works

* Review what we did
* Mail Materials
* Dealing with unwanted email (JJ)
    - filtering, blacklists, filter by content,
          whitelists, viruses, unwanted bounces, issues
* Overview of Spamassassin (HA)
* Install Spamassassin (HA)
    - How to use Spamassassin with Exim
* Overview of ClamAV (HA)
* Install ClamAV (HA)
    - Send infected message to test functionality
* Security overview/review (HA)
    - [OpenOffice | pdf 1-up | pdf 4-up | PowerPoint]
    - Best practices
    - FreeBSD specific steps
* Scan with Nessus (HA)
    - See if we can find security issues in our lab
* Secure what we find (JJ)
    - Based on security scans take first steps to secure
    - lockdown/reconfigure services
    - Turn off services
    - Update required services
    - Do we need a firewall? Discuss this.

* SNORT Materials
* Overview of SNORT (Intrusion Detection) (JJ)
* Install and use SNORT (JJ)
    - Configure SNORT in NIDS mode
    - Define rules and actions
    - Verify rulesets are working
* SSH Materials
* SSH Overview (HA)
    - Review public/private key
    - Importance of private key
    - "man-in-the-middle" attacks
* SSH lab (HA)
    - scp/sftp, including scp between two
          remote servers.
    - Login/scp without passwords
    - Exectute commands
    - Tunneling
* Discuss how to avoid ssh tunneling (HA)
    - [OpenOffice | pdf 1-up | pdf 4-up | PowerPoint]
    - https/ssl
    - pops/imaps using courier and with ssl
* Load balancing/cluster overview and example (JJ)
* Materials
    - Front end services load balancer
    - Backend storage solution

Routing & Multihoming
Instructor: Philip Smith, Cisco Systems
Assistant:  Amante Alvaran, APNIC

* Introduction, Objectives
* Presentations
    - Routing Basics: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
    - Introduction to OSPF: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
    - OSPF for ISPS: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
    - Introduction to BGP: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
* Workshop Module 11 (lab) - Advanced Router Configuration
* Presentations
    - BGP Attirbutes: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
* Workshop Module 11 cont.

* Presentations
    - BGP Best Current Practices: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
    - BGP Scaling: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
    - BGP Multihoming (Part I): [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
* Workshop Module 12 (lab) - Multihoming to the same ISP
* Presentation
    - BGP Multihoming (Part II): [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
* Workshop Module 13 (lab) - Multihoming to different ISPs 
  (not completed during class)

* Presentation
    - Service Provider Multihoming Examples: [pdf 1-up | pdf 6-up]
* Workshop Module 21 (lab) - Multihoming Case Study
* Gateway border router configuration for PacNOG and .1q setup 
  for Module 21: [text]
* Same configuration file as above but includes Module 21, 
  Scenario 5 configuration: [text]
* Switch .1q configuration for lab setup for Module 21: [text]
* Q&A, examples
* Books
* Close of workshop

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Last modified: Sat Jun 25 16:17:31 FJT 2005