Routing and Network Management Workshop Outline
Location: Maluafou, Samoa, SamoaTel headquarters Building

Organizers: Pacific Network Operators Group (PACNOG), The
            Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC), and 
            Cisco Systems

Instructors:           Joel Jaeggli, NSRC/Univ. of Oregon
                       Philip Smith, Cisco Systems

Daily Time Schedule

Breakfast       Lunch
0800-0830       1200-1300

Session I       Session III
0900-1015       1300-1515

Break           Break
1015-1030       1515-1530

Session II      SESSION IV
1030-1200       1530-1700


* Introduction [OpenDocument | PDF] (JJ/PS)
* Short review of FreeBSD [OpenDocument | PDF](JJ)
* DNS [Materials | Exercises] (JJ)
    - Review of BIND
         + Install BIND
         + Configuration and use
    - How to harden. Turning off recursion as necessary.
* Mail [OpenDocument | PDF] [Exercises] (JJ)
    - Solutions that scale
    - Components
      (smtp auth, imap, procmail, etc.)
    - Sendmail and milters
        + Configure
    - Spamassasin and ClamAV
        + Lab 


* Network management and monitoring [OpenDocument | PDF] [Exercises] (JJ)
    - Overview
    - Review of useful tools such as:
      rancid, trac, cacti, netdisco, nagios,
          bigsister, subversion, mrtg, smokeping, etc...
    - Lab
        + Install and use of trac, rancid and smokeping 


* Routing & Multihoming [PDF] (PS)
* Routing Basics [PDF] (PS)
* Introduction to OSPF [PDF] (PS)
* OSPF for ISPs [PDF] (PS)
* Introduction to BGP [PDF] (PS)
    - Module 11: Advanced Router Configuration [PDF] (PS)

    - Module 11 cont.
* BGP Attributes [PDF] (PS)
    - Module 11 cont.


* BGP Best Current Practices [PDF] (PS)
* BGP Scaling Techniques [PDF] (PS)
* BGP Multihoming (Part 1) [PDF] (PS)

    - Module 21: Multihoming Case Study [PDF] (PS)
* BGP Multihoming (Part 2) [PDF] (PS)
    - Module 21 cont.


* BGP Troubleshooting [PDF] (PS)

* Multihoming Workshop Case Studies
* Q&A, examples
* Books and Certificates
* Close of workshop 

Last modified: Thu Jun 22 183:29:23 WST 2006