
All these tasks are performed as root.

Installing Smokeping

Part 1 – installation

Smokeping requires a webserver in order to display it's results. That's a dependency we should have satisfied already.

To install:

apt-get install smokeping

the package installs it's various bits in locations consistent with the debian model

Configuration files live in:


the smokeping cgi goes in:


the probe data goes in:


The various bits that don't change like documentation and perl modules live under:


Part 2 - Configuration

take a look at:


The stanzas towards to bottom define what hosts we're going to look at and what sort of tests we are going to run against them.

Recreate the local section with something like this:

+ Local

menu = Local

title = Local Network

++ localhost

menu = Local Machine

title = localhost

host =

++ gateway

menu = first hop gateway

title =

host =

Add another host for one of your neighbors pc's.

Replace the remark:

remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of 'A poorly mantained site running Debian.'

With something a little more appropriate to your instance of smokeping.

Part 4 – optional targets

Part 5 – optional probes

look in /usr/share/doc/smokeping/html/Smokeping/probes

what optional probes could you deploy to test services on the NOC server?

Installing Nagios:

Part 1 – Installation

To install:

apt-get install nagios

note that you get several options in terms of doing what simplest

apt-get install nagios-text

It will prompt you at some point to create a password. This is the password for the nagios admin user.

Doesn't require that you configure a database backend.

Restart your apache server.

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

go to:

http://localhost/nagios or your system ip address/nagios

the login is nagiosadmin for the username and the password you created for the password.

Part 2 - configuration

Take a look at the configuration in /etc/nagios

Note that the Nagios documentation is available from the Nagios interface.

You'll see that the installation process has created one host (local router attached to the subnet) to be monitored we're going to create another.

In the hosts.cfg below the default gateway host definition lets create a new host definition.

define host{

use generic-host ; Name of host template to use

host_name server

alias meeting server


check_command check-host-alive

max_check_attempts 20

notification_interval 60

notification_period 24x7

notification_options d,u,r


Once we have the host configured we need to add it to a hostgroup, this is how we begin to identify which hosts are related to each other and who needs to be notified.

After the default gateway host group definition lets create our own:

define hostgroup{

hostgroup_name servers

alias servers

contact_groups server-admins

members server


Then we need to add the service that we want to monitor to the services.cfg, below the service designed to ping the gateway add a new stanza:

define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name server

service_description PING

is_volatile 0

check_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 3

normal_check_interval 5

retry_check_interval 1

contact_groups router-admins

notification_interval 240

notification_period 24x7

notification_options c,r

check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%


Lastly we need to create the server-admins group in the contactgroups.cfg. below the router-admins contact group lets create a new one:

#server admins

define contactgroup{

contactgroup_name server-admins

alias Server Admins

members nagios


note that the only member currently is nagios. Addtional contacts can be defined in the contacts.cfg and they have a format similar to the following:

define contact{
        contact_name                    jdoe
        alias                           John Doe
        service_notification_period     24x7
        host_notification_period        24x7
        service_notification_options    w,u,c,r
        host_notification_options       d,u,r
        service_notification_commands   notify-by-email
        host_notification_commands      host-notify-by-email
        email                           jdoe@localhost.localdomain
        pager                           555-5555@pagergateway.localhost.localdomain

Nagios could even be configured to send mail into trac.

Remember to restart Nagios for these changes to take effect

/etc/init.d/nagios restart


Part 1 – installation

trac install should be something you're familiar with by now.

apt-get install trac

cd /var/

mkdir trac

cd trac

mkdir my-trac-project

trac-admin /var/trac/my-trac-project initenv

part 2 - 1st launch

to try out trac:

tracd --port 8000 /var/trac/my-trac-project

point your web browser at:

http://localhost:8000 our your systems or remotely ipaddress:8000

and you should get the track interface.

Look around...

part 3 – trac and apache

Getting trac to run within apache:

add the following to the bottom of the apache2.conf in /etc/apache2

ScriptAlias /trac /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi

<Location "/trac">

SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/var/trac/my-trac-project"

# AuthType Basic

# AuthName "trac"

# AuthUserFile /var/trac/my-trac-project/db/passwd

# Require valid-user


Reload apache...

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

You'll notice if you go to http://localhost/trac that you'll get a fairly horrible error message that complains about permissions.

In /var/trac/ you need to do:

chown -R www-data my-trac-project

to give the www-data user ownership of all of the trac data.

Now you can visit the trac url again and it should work.

Why leverage apache instead of the trac web server... Better performance, apache security and options more trustworthy, better intergration with other web-services, can leverage apache ssl support to wrap your trac instance.

Part 4 – customizing trac

Trac environment is configured for each trac instance in the trac.ini located in this case in:


edit the trac.ini and in the [project] section change the description and name to something more relevant to this particular installation. Save the trac.ini

You note in scrolling past that in the notification section smtp is not currently enabled, but it is a critical component in many ticketing systems for tracking changes and updating tickets.

The administration interface is where values associated with the ticketing systems can be changed.

You can invoke it by doing:

trac-admin /var/trac/my-trac-project/

Not all fields are relevant to ISP's but we can practice updating the most important one's.

component list

Name Owner


component1 somebody

component2 somebody

remove the example components

component remove component1

component remove component2

add some news one's

component add modems modem-admin

component add webserver web-admin

component add nameserver joelja

component add network noc

component add accounting accountants


ticket_type list

Possible Values





ticket_type remove defect

ticket_type add outage

ticket_type add service_request

ticket_type add billing

severity list

it's empty

severity add fyi

severity add hosed

severity add biz-critical

severity add bothersome

severity add not_a_problem

now that we've done that take a look at the ticketing system and see how the form has been updated.

Part 5 – freshening up the the wiki (Optional)

The trac wiki supports a formatting style known as camelcase. The instructions for trac formating can be found locally here:


you can customize the top level page as desired for your application.

Part 6 – Enable authetication (Optional)

To require authentication on the Trac wiki for all portions of the interface uncomment the four lines we inserted commented out in the apache2.conf.

You will need to create the password file in /var/trac/my-trac-project/db/passwd.

You can create the file with the apache htpasswd command

httpasswd username /var/trac/my-trac-project/db/passwd

Will prompt you to create a password for that username and subsequent issuance of the command with different usernames will populate the password file with additional accounts.